Don't be an egg!

The internet is for everyone

The internet is what makes it possible for all digital devices like computers and cell phones to communicate with each other. This makes it easier for the users of these things to get information on whatever they want to know about, like news or if they want to learn something. And with email and chat services the internet helps people get and stay connected with each other.

We will show you how the internet can help YOU

The internet is very big, and gets bigger every day. So for new users it can be difficult to find what they are looking for. This site will show you some popular and useful websites and apps so you get a good start.

Be productive and enjoy yourself!

We will show what is useful, and also what is fun. And we will show you some things that may steal your time, and some stuff that may even be dangerous like cyber crime and how to avoid becoming a victim. It's much better to know about the worst things that can happen so you are better prepared to avoid those situations.

...but don't forget to live offline as well

Using computers and cell phones a lot isn't something our brains was created to do. The amount of information is overwhelming, and it's important to take breaks so our brain relaxes. Use your body! Go outside, take a walk in the forest or a park or by the sea. We will show you some specific tips on how to use the net to help you in your life and at the same time not use it more than is good for you.
Have fun and take care of yourself!


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